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Planet-d is a webspace provider for demoscene related people.
I wanted the site not to be graphically demoscenish, because enough is enough !!! ^^

Anyway, I had to find out a concept...
The thing was to find a metaphor of a webspace provider : the "compound" concept.
The space universe was logically chosen due to the name of the site : planet-d, a planet is in space, right ?
That's how the logo came out too.
The fact to have a little mascot inhabiting the site is something that I like, it makes the site more living.
An easy but efficient choice : a little space explorer girl.
And there I had the concept to start with, the rest of the work being only to decline the concept into specific cases.

One thing about the light-contrast of the colours...
Unless other sites I had made before, in basically the same colourschemes, I wanted the illustrations not be dominant in the page, but really illustrative ^^
So that's why they're greyish.

Because the illustrations are not that visible on planet-d and because I like them very much, here they come in bigger versions :
