On this page, you'll only find
real personnal(ity) info. 
Play the game of my life will
be easier and funnier than to listen to it, or won't it
So, the game starts in 1977, march 25. Morgan, you, is born
around 10 am. Roll your dice !
1. Mom gives you potato-milk with the panzer-feeding-bottle,
so you grow strong she says. Advance
to field #3.
2. You grow up with a pet to play with : a doggypuppy.
Don't pull its tail !
3. While mommy's cooking, you stay in the kitchen and
4. Kindergarden : you don't even manage to draw a simple
fish .
You loose your turn.
5. You visit your grand-pa', a painter; he teaches
you a lot, even how to make photographic experiments with
6. When you play Lego, everything shall be symetric
and the colours shall not be messy; or you get upset.
7. You like Britanny : it's roots and zen.
8. 1988 : you go to school far away from home and alone
by train and bus. It's boring... You
loose your turn.
9. You're starting to get the good reflex to draw in
class instead of writing down the lessons. Advance
to field #12.
10. 1989 : the Berlin-Wall falls. You become a West-German...
You loose your turn.
11. Tea becomes your drug to get awake in the morning...
Advance to field #13.
12. Winter is your favourite season. You pray for snow
and frost.
13. 1995 : you got your A-Level, congrats !
14. 1995 - University : You try some law&german
studies. It gets on your nerves after 2 months. Return
to field #13.
15. 1996 : You're starting studying informatics at
a nice tech-uni.
16. Red, like Martini.
17. 1998 : You smoke Gitanes under Jussieu's asbestos...
Keuh, Teuh, Return to field #15
18. Captain Kiglou takes you on a trip !
Advance to field #20.
19. 1999 : You're starting a 2-year master degree in
multimedia in a building's basement. Spooky...
20. After a trip, you stay stucked in space-time vortex
and you start living during the night.
21. Sky is something so terrific, especially at night.
Loose your turn and
stare at it.
22. 2001 : You got your master-degree; working as a
freelance sounds as a good compromise...
23. 2002 : You just finished your new website and you're
asking yourself : and now what ? |